Learn to dis-CERN for yourself!


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I guess it all depends how far down the rabbit hole you wanna go. My advice is just make sure you can make it back and of course learn to dis-CERN for yourself! May 28, Facebook user “Sovereign State” published a video in Russian, and according to the video description, the CERN research center in Geneva, Switzerland’s true purpose is to open the gates of hell parallel to the establishment of the New World Order. ( They claim it’s to “provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research.” ) In the video, the topic of discussion is the European Council for Nuclear Research’s (CERN) collider, which CERN will use to reach the depth of the earth and open a “new dimension” (that’s on their official website.) Also of note there is a towering statue of Shiva, Hindu God of destruction, at CERN’s entrance and videos exist of rituals being performed there.

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