Monthly Archives: December 2021

Jump for Trump!


It’s the last day of 2021 and I’m ending the year in both Facebook jail and banned on Twitter all for posting this innocuous little meme. I wrote don’t forget tomorrow at noon, lol. They blocked me almost instantly. They said it was “hate speech.” Talk about “double standards.” I mean Snoop Dog can make a video where he executes Trump dressed as a clown but that’s ok apparently?

and Kathy Griffin can make one where she cuts off Trump’s head… what’s the problem?

But I make a joke and it’s FB jail for you. We all know the real reason they won’t let me post it and that’s because they know some dumb fucking libtard would probably DO IT for real!

“might as well JUMP, go ahead and JUMP…” #LoL

The Dark Side of God

el rumor De los Bosques...: Clapton is God.

The story goes when Eric Clapton was just starting out back in the 60’s, graffiti proclaiming him “God” for his preternatural prowess on guitar started popping up around London.

“The Dark Side of God” is the title of Rolling Stone’s latest cover story on the aging rockstar. Essentially a hit piece, his crime against humanity? Having the temerity to dare question the official party line. He got not one but two shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine and had a bad reaction and then get this…he had the nerve to talk about it in the press!?

Tommy- Eric Clapton, The Who | Ken russell, Eric clapton ...

Now he’s an “anti-vaxer ” and a “racist” and a “holocaust denier.” Ok so I made up that last one but the article does bring up supposed “racist comments” he made on stage when he was drunk back in the 70’s. All I can say is FUCK YOU Rolling Stone. THANK GOD for people like Eric Clapton who refuse to be bullied into submission by the liberal media. When people from all walks of life are being “cancelled” for even dare question authority you know they’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! this is a GODDAMN “PLANNEDEMIC!”

I’ve been cancelled!


what can I say? I’VE BEEN CANCELLED! that’s why you don’t know I started the FL medical marijuana movement, that’s why you’ve never seen my band, maybe never gave me a like, that’s why OVER 100 PEOPLE blocked and/or deleted me in the last year! that’s why I had to move to another part of the state! here’s a partial list of former FB friends and where I know them from:

Ace Nova (guitar)

Adam Astroyogi Sanchez

Akasha Rosewater(psychic)

Ali KoAllie Balducci (Vegan)

Angie Rainbow (Rainbow)

Anne Hoffman (Earth Save)

Barry Sacharow (Rainbow Family)

Capt. Tom (yacht owner)

Carl Jebodh (guitar student)

Chava (Rainbow Family)

Christopher Aquilo (pretend DJ)

Cosmo Ohm (Tobacco Road)

Danny Jessup (Tobacco Road)

Scotia Doppleganger (Rainbow Family)

Sean Gould (Birdman’s Clambake)

Daniel Wolpin (U.M.)

David Mileur (Deadhead Mafia)

Dave Tenzin (Deadhead Mafia)

Doug Tessler (Jews for Jesus)

Dr. Bob (freak)

Edwin C. (Nag Champyons)

Eric “Schwag” Swaggerty (Rainbow Family/sponge)


Flint Blade (punk ass)

Greg Blanchard (Rainbow Family, Dirty Hippies of Gainesville)

Greg Schwabe (Peerless Super Eye)

Haven O’Shea (hottie)

Hawk Ivory (guitar)

Daniel Wolpin ( UM “friend”)

David Mileur ( Deadhead Mafia)

Tenzin ( Deadhead Mafia)

Doug Tessler (obnoxious horn player)

Henk Milne (British libtard lawyer)

Israel Velez (see Johnny Dread)

Jamie Gaertner (UM biotch)

Jarod Jacobs (Vegan)Jeannie Partridge (guitar)

Jessie Thoreson (QAnon Shaman Stand In)

Jim Wurster (Black Janet)

Johnny Dread (Cuban guy with fake Jamaican accent)

Joann Poss ( P.O.S. )

John Lombardo (high school stoner buddy)

Josh Ritter (Vegan)

Karen Goldstein (FL NORML)

Karen Ritter (Vegan)

Lance Perry (crappy guitarist)

Lustbader (Eugenicist)

Laura Hill (Wild Orchid)

Laura Joy (Broward Folk Club)

Lee Ann Ferre (Crystal Vision)

Lee Zimmerman (Miami New Times)

Len Perry (guitar)


Linda Stein (Rainbow Family)

Liz Tracy (Miami New Times)

Maji (Rainbow Family)

Maria Conchita Alonzo

Mark Miller (high school)

Mark Weiser (Tobacco Road)

Michael Bourdin (Deadhead Mafia)

Michael Stock (WLRN radio host)

Naomi Serret (millennial hottie)

Paul Sargent (high school stoner buddy)

Pat Tucci (bass)

Peter Lavezzoli (Godfather of the Deadhead Mafia)

Ralph “Rip” Perotto (drums)

Ray Orraca ( Puerto Rican drug dealer)

Rev. Mudshark (Peerless Super Eye)

Rich Aube ( former yoga student )

Rich Uloa (Y & T Records)

Robert Mason ( martial “con” artist )

Sean Becker (Deadhead Mafia)

Sean Edelson (JAM I AM)

Sheri Kaplan (“Telsa” reiki which is really just regular reiki but don’t tell her that she gets upset)

Smurphio (not his real name)

Stu Nelson (ukulele)

Tiffany Miller (a talented singer/songwriter who once played one of my benefits but one of the other acts had to go before her and she got mad at me)

Tom Miller (creep from Gainesville)

Valeria Wisecracker (libtard blowhard careful may be armed)

Vegan Man (Earth Save Fascist)

Learn to dis-CERN for yourself!


May be an image of text

I guess it all depends how far down the rabbit hole you wanna go. My advice is just make sure you can make it back and of course learn to dis-CERN for yourself! May 28, Facebook user “Sovereign State” published a video in Russian, and according to the video description, the CERN research center in Geneva, Switzerland’s true purpose is to open the gates of hell parallel to the establishment of the New World Order. ( They claim it’s to “provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research.” ) In the video, the topic of discussion is the European Council for Nuclear Research’s (CERN) collider, which CERN will use to reach the depth of the earth and open a “new dimension” (that’s on their official website.) Also of note there is a towering statue of Shiva, Hindu God of destruction, at CERN’s entrance and videos exist of rituals being performed there.

my athame…

Classic Athame with Black Handle image 1

yes you read that right, my athame! the SWAT team came to my door in the dark of night, stormed in, put a gun to my head, tore my apt. apart and then arrested me for my athamé!

Athame Art Prints for Any Decor Style | Society6
An athamé is a ceremonial blade, generally with a black handle. It is the main ritual implement or magical tool among several used in ceremonial magickal traditions.

atha·mé: pronounced ä-ˈthā-mē, say it with me: athamé! yes that’s it, now next time you write it please spell it right…

The Magician Tarot Card - Tarot Card - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic