Fakebook Blockers Hall of Shame


…well I’m fresh outta Facebook jail, the food was horrible, Mark Zuckerberg tried to make me his bitch but I’m now a free man. I’m still blocked by dozens (hundreds really) of people on FB.

Blocked, not “unfriended.” When someone blocks you on FB, you are BANISHED from EXISTENCE! You literally NO LONGER EXIST! They can’t see you, your profile, comments or posts, and you can’t see theirs. Not even on your mutual friends wall (which are usually really YOUR FRIENDS) So you could be commenting on the same post and never know it. It’s like someone pretending you don’t exist anymore AND YOU DON’T! Really it’s a pretty harsh thing to do to someone.

People usually block me over something thing stupid like a comment I made the was UNACCEPTABLE and will not be TOLERATED! And they could have just deleted that comment but no you’re now BANISHED for LIFE! And sometimes it was for the crime of TAGGING them in post and they’re too STUPID to know how to use the filter so they have to be approved first before they go on your wall. (please explain it to them!?) The sad reality is most of these people I will NEVER see or hear from again, not online nor in real life. I am truly BANISHED from EXISTENCE for all of ETERNITY!

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The people that have blocked me is really shocking. Not the types you’d think would be so lactose intolerant but I guess on their wall they have to control everything and have it their way. Now I’m not saying I was never being provocative or confrontational but most of the time I was SIMPLY DISAGREEING with them! Yes we live in divisive times. Ok so here is my FAKEBOOK BLOCKERS HALL OF SHAME (it’s quite impressive):

Ace Nova ( guitar )

Adam Astroyogi Sanchez

Akasha Rosewater

Ali Ko

Allie Balducci

Angie Rainbow

Anne Hoffman (Earth Save)

Barry Sacharow (Rainbow Family)

Capt. Tom

Carl Jebodh

Chava (Rainbow Family)

Christopher Aquilo (pretend DJ)

Cosmo Ohm (Tobacco Road)

Danny Jessup (Tobacco Road)

Daniel Wolpin (U.M.)

David Mileur

Dave Tenzin

Desiree (Deadhead Mafia)

Doug Tessler (Jews for Jesus)

Dr. Bob (open mic)
Edwin C. (Nag Champyons)

Eric “Schwag” Swaggerty (Rainbow Family/sponge)


Flint Blade (punk ass)

Greg Blanchard (Rainbow Family)

Greg Schwabe (Peerless Super Eye)

Haven O’Shea (hottie)

Hawk Ivory (guitar)

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Henk Milne (the Volunteers)

Israel Velez (see Johnny Dread)
Jamie Gaertner (UM)

Jarod Jacobs (Vegan)

Jeannie Partridge (guitar)

Jessie Thoreson (QAnon supporter)

Jim Wurster (Black Janet)
Johnny Dread (Cuban guy with fake Jamaican accent)

Joann Pos (P.O.S.)
John Lombardo (high school)

Josh Ritter (Vegan)
Karen Goldstein (FL NORML)

Karen Ritter (Vegan)

Lance Perry (guitar)

Larry Lustbader (Eugenicist)

Laura Hill (Wild Orchid)

Laura Joy (Jews for Jesus)

Lee Ann Ferre (Crystal Vision)
Lee Zimmerman (Miami New Times)

Len Perry (guitar)

Lotus (Crazy Fingers groupie)

Linda Stein (Rainbow)

Liz Tracy (Miami New Times)
Maji (Rainbow Family)

Maria Conchita Alonzo
Mark Miller (high school)

Mark Weiser (Tobacco Road)

Maria Hurley (FL CAN’t)

Michael Bourdin (Deadhead Mafia)

Michael Stock (WLRN)

Naomi Serret (millennial hottie)

Paul Sargent (high school)

Pat Tucci (bass)

Peter Lavezzoli (Godfather of the Deadhead Mafia)

Ralph “Rip” Perotto (drums)
Ray Orraca (drug dealer)

Rev. Mudshark (Peerless Super Eye)

Rich Aube (yoga)
Rich Uloa (Y & T Records)

Robert Mason

Sean Becker (Deadhead Mafia)

Sean Edelson (JAM I AM)

Scotia Doppleganger (Rainbow Family)
Sean Gould (Birdman’s Clambake)

Sheri Kaplan (“Telsa” reiki which is really just regular reiki but don’t tell her that she gets upset)

Smurphio (someone who should know better)

Stu Nelson (NORML’s buddy)

Tom Miller (creep from Gainesville)

Valerie Wisecracker

Vegan Man (Earth Save)

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I told you the list was impressive and there’s way more! I mean have you ever pissed off that many people in your life? lol it is sad though because I really will never hear from most of them again, oh well at least now I can look at this list to remember then. Remember life’s too short to take anyone’s SHIT! WWJD?

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